Sunday, July 31, 2011

a day at the farm

Much of the way we measure and talk about the passage of time with our little ones is by seasons--it seems so much more tangible to them than calendar months and years. They are fully aware of how humid it feels, or how the tomatoes are turning red on the vine, or how the evenings offer a wonderful cool relief from the hot, long days. It does not matter that July is over and August is nearly upon us or that school is in session again soon.

One beautiful summer day when the sun was not quite so hot, Evelyn, Esme and I took some time to visit Learning Tree Farm, which is a lovely educational, fully functional farm run by volunteers. We met all sorts of creatures, from the barn cats to chickens, from donkeys to ponies, sheep, and goats. We observed the vegetables, nearly ready to be picked, the sweet scent of the flowers, the tang of the herbs and spices on the air. There is nothing quite like the sound, smell, and fell of life at the farm.



There are very few outings (for me, anyway) that are easy with the two girls and just one adult. The zoo, the woods, and the farm--those are easy, and fun, and wonderful. The hardest part is always the leaving. No one ever wants to leave.

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